Woonsocket, RI – Pit Bulls Targeted by City Ordinance

In an attempt to curb the city’s population of pit bulls and other “fierce, dangerous or vicious” dogs, City Council President John F. Ward has proposed an ordinance that will prohibit any new pit bulls in the city after the ordinance is passed.

Existing pit bulls would be permitted to register prior to passing the ordinance, allowing them to remain within the city limits, but owners would have to obtain $100,000 liability policy as well as meet additional requirements to legally own the dogs.

This knee-jerk reaction comes at the heels of an incident last month that involved an alleged pit bull in which three people were injured with bite wounds.

According to Council President Ward, the police department has requested repeatedly that Woonsocket officials enact breed specific legislation because ‘we have pit bulls all over the city’.  Ward says “They think it would make it safer.”

In addition to the registration requirement and liability insurance, the new ordinance would require mandatory spay/neutering of ‘pit bulls’, “escape-proof” containment on the owners property, and muzzled and leashed or in a temporary enclosure when off the owners property.  

The proposed ordinance is structured on the near-by Pawtucket ordinance that was passed several years ago.  Ward states that while the matter is on the agenda for the Council’s Monday night meeting, it will likely be tabled for sometime in effort to provide council members time to discuss the proposal, gather feedback from police, pet owners and Animal Control Officer Doris Kay, as well as invite Pawtucket Animal Control Officer John Holmes to talk with council about how the law is working in his city.

“Pit Bull” is defined as American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, or any dog of mixed breed displaying the majority of physical traits of any one or more of the above breeds.”

To send your POLITE, PROFESSIONAL and INFORMATIVE correspondence to Woonsocket Officials:
Woonsocket Council Agenda

John F. Ward, CPA
Daniel M. Gendron
Vice President
Roger Jalette (401) 597-5790
Christopher Beauchamp chrisbeauchamp@nicori.com
Robert Moreau rmoreau462@gmail.com
Albert Brien albertgbrien@yahoo.com
Marc Dubois mdubois6@cox.net

To contact the “City of Woonsocket”              webmaster@woonsocketri.org
Animal Control Officer Doris Kay                     dkay@woonsocketri.org
or phone:                                                                      (401) 766-6571

NOTE:  The City’s Animal Shelter webpage notes…Donations for money, cat litter, dog and cat toys, blankets, towels, cleaning supplies, leashes, etc. are needed.  ALSO – Encourage legislators to vote in favor of the animals and educate friends and neighbors – be an animal advocate, advocate responsible ownership including spaying and neutering.

The next Council meeting is scheduled for October 15th, 2012 at 7:00 PM at Harris Hall.  Council meetings are held every other Monday at 7:00.

11 responses to “Woonsocket, RI – Pit Bulls Targeted by City Ordinance

  1. really what the hell is wrong with people man? sure single out good dogs and their owners again for what reason? because there are a few bad apples? so stupid!

  2. This is ridiculous! How about Woonsocket targeting the pet owners that are TEACHING the dogs how to be violent? Remember, pets only do as they are trained.

  3. Seems like many of these proposed policies are in line even with your own proposed strategies for stopping dog violence (neutering, enclosed spaces, ect.). I will be sure to send a message of support to Woonsocket.

  4. Welcome to Belfast – R I P Lennox

  5. Its the thugs , gangbangers and other low life sociopaths that need registration and most defiantly need mandatory spay/neutering. These animals are not born [ vicious ] humans [ if you want to call them that ] make these animals lives a horror story .

  6. All dogs can be dangerous. They are a product of their environment. Every ten years or so there is a new “dangerous” breed. German Shepards where number one Akita, Boxers the list goes on. The truth is on the top ten list of dogs that bite Labadors are one of the highest on the list. Yet, because they don’t look like a bully people don’t cross the street when they see one. No dogs are bad they just have bad training.

  7. melissa white

    Towns with BSL’s dont have less dog bites OR less dog fighting.What they do have is thousands of dead family pets because people cannot afford thid insurance. I agree on the spay/neuter. Unfortunately the people who will follow these new laws aren’t going to be the people with the “problem” dogs. It’s the people who don’t even bother getting them socialized, vetted, fixed , or registered, that will be the same people who will continue to have mean dogs. Statistically, cocker spaniels are the biggest biters..are they banned too? Ask the pawtucket shelters how well it is going. They are killing hunderds of loving, well mannered fammily members.. Meanwhile the rotten people with “vicious “dogs have not surrendered their dog, or stopped the dog fights.

  8. Seems as if the City of Woonsocket is grasping at straws to combat it’s negative deficit and at the same time is trying to put a damper on some of the scum that occupies the majority of the city. They are following the example set by Central Falls in the same attempt to deal with it’s deficit and those who are sucking up the tax dollars in Welfare and SSI disability while selling drugs on the side. These are the types who find the need to make an agressive animal for their degenerate behavior.

  9. It seems as if the City of Woonsocket is grasping at straws to try and bring it’s negative deficit under control. And at the same time is following the example set by Central Falls who did the same thing in an effort to rid itself of some of the scum that inhabits it. They are targeting the majority of Hispanic population, drug dealers and other various criminals who consider this to be a dog of choice to use and make aggressive only to further serve their degenerate behavior. Certainly not the animals fault – but honestly something that is needed to try to rid communities of the garbage that just needs to be institutionalized and forgotten about.

  10. I’m getting organized to go speak. I’m collecting information and statistics. Would love to see lots of informed people there! Parties interested in speaking or simply attending, I can be reached at melissa_white1984@yahoo.com, if theres any way I can help you get informed. I hope to see you there

  11. its not just pitbulls every dog can be vicious like stated in pass comments i disagree with the city and think that it is wrong and not right for the other pitbulls who are just as big of babys as any other kind of dog you can name i think people need to get a clue and leave the breed alone