Tag Archives: petition

Moreauville, LA, update: Officials pledge to suspend enforcement of ban

When the small town of Moreauville, LA, enacted a breed discriminatory law targeting “pit bulls” and Rottweilers, it was a quiet affair.  The law, passed on October 13th, didn’t garner so much as a blip online.

When officials sent a letter to residents demanding they remove their dogs by the first of December all that changed.

As of this post, the story has been picked up by USA Today, CNN, The View,  CBS affiliates, as well as garnering some international coverage and attracting attention from celebrities across the nation.

Two petitions are currently circulating.  One was started by the family of Zeus, who has become a media figurehead of sorts for the village’s breed discriminatory law.  This petition has over 140,000 signatures.  The other was started to focus on a general repeal and has over 10,000 signatures in one day.

The attention that has been given to the issue of breed discriminatory laws by this story has been remarkable.  It has been the media’s driving behind Zeus and his family that has brought so much attention to this issue.  We must stress, however, that this is about more than just one dog.  There are many other families that are at risk.  It is good that there has been something to galvanize people into action, but we cannot lose sight of the larger picture.  Unfortunately, the media has not yet picked up on the larger issues at play.

I was able to speak with two other people who are effected by this ban and asked them each to make a statement.

” I live in Moreauville, LA.  I have 5 kids and a grandson. I have a pit bull named Sugar.  My grandson is 2 and he has been raised with Sugar.  I have a 14 year old son who has ADHD, bipolar, and Aspergers syndrome.  When he is down he talks to Sugar…my dog has never hurt anyone or anything.  She is a part of the family.  It would hurt my kids and my family severely to have a member of the family ripped out…  It is hell to love with the worry of if we’re going to lose our family dog, a part of our family and all the ban will do is hurt innocent people.  The good have to suffer for the bad.

“My Name is Cindy Devens.  The ban in Moreauville, LA, is effecting more than just Zeus and it needs to be addressed…My dogs are emotional support dogs in a way too. I have a member in my household who is diagnosed PTSD and he relies on their love, affection, and his need for care. He needs these dogs too! We served our country for 6 years a piece.  Both of us are Air Force veterans and the other member of my house is a combat veteran with 15+ months served in combat.  We fight for our country and here we are fighting for our dogs!  I’m appalled by the ignorance of this type of law/ban and it has placed a HUGE emotional strain on my household. There have been too many sleepless nights and emotional roller coasters since the papers were dropped off.  No one understands just how bad this could affect someones psyche with these type of issues. We just moved to this town in July… I will not be overlooked just because I am new to town!”

The goal here is not just to keep all the families together, but to repeal the ban and enact a law that will effectively address the issues the community is facing.

This is about more than just one family.  This is about more than many families.  The fight against this law is about the loss of rights, due process, and a missed chance to help make residents safer in their community.

Residents approached the council with legitimate concerns about certain dogs in the community.  These concerns must be addressed.  It is still unclear at this time if there is an animal control agency in town that would be able to enforce any law on the books.  It appears that there are several veterinary clinics that contract with the city to house animals, in lieu of a formal shelter.  City officials had included the name of a veterinary clinic in the meetings minutes, implying that this clinic would be tasked with the “disposition” of banned dogs.

This clinic has made a public statement saying that they have not agreed to this, and that they do not support euthanizing dogs for the enforcement of a ban.  Unfortunately, some people had taken it upon themselves to attack the clinic personally.  This attack is unwarranted and counterproductive.  We would like to take a moment to thank the clinic for making a stand against breed discriminatory laws.

We have agreed to be no part of this ban in Moreauville and were never apart of it. The paper of the minutes stating us as the clinic was done without our knowledge. A letter will be going out to the town of Moreauville this week stating that we will not participate in this ban….All doctors at VCA, both Simmsport and Marksville are in agreement that no dogs brought in due to the ban will be euthanized unless the dog has a history of viscously attacking someone and is unable to be contained to the owners’ premises…

The latest reports coming from Moreauville state that enforcement of the breed discriminatory law will be put on hold until the council has a chance to meet and address concerns about the law.

It was a mistake,” said Alderman Penn Lemoine. “And it’s got to be redone and reworded. And this Dec. 1 date is not going to happen.”

Thus far, officials who have been reached have been open to suggestions that would meet the needs of the residents who complained about issues in the community.  The situation has been extremely confusing because the way the ordinance that has been circulating reads, there are restrictions but officials and the letter residents received clearly state that it is a ban.

Some concerned residents attempted to obtain a signed copy of this ordinance, any general dog laws that are on the books, and the meeting minutes, but the town hall was closed.  Thus far, these documents have been unavailable.

Alderman Penn Lemoine said the board will have a special meeting to address the ordinance.   He also said that they’ll likely overturn the law.

From the article: “Part of the problem the village might need to instead address, Lemoine said, is properly enforcing the village’s leash ordinance rather than banning certain dogs.”

The most productive line of action at this point is to offer solutions to the towns issues.  We do not know if the discussion will continue at the next scheduled meeting, December 8th, or if the board will meet before then. We will update accordingly as information becomes available.

It is imperative that residents attend this meeting to be heard.  Officials have stated that they want to hear from residents specifically.

Mamaroneck, NY – Village Officials Consider Pit Bull Legislation

VILLAGE OF MAMARONECK, NY – Knee-jerk legislation is on the agenda as the result of a recent dog-on-dog attack that also resulted in a dog owners finger being severed while trying to break up the dog fight.

Residents have managed 50 signatures on a petition to have the dog removed from the village.  Meanwhile, Mayor Norman Rosenblum says, “It’s a health, safety and welfare question, especially regarding the kids.”

The matter to adopt legislation that would specifically address pit bulls, “dogs with a reputation for being violent” according to officials, has been added to the agenda for the village board’s Tuesday, October 9th meeting.

The original incident resulted after the pit bull jumped a chest-high chain link fence and attacked the smaller dog, whose injuries were fatal.  The pit bull’s owner has been charged with one count of a dangerous dog attack on a domestic animal.

New York State Law prohibits breed-specific legislation.

5. Nothing contained in this article shall prevent a municipality from adopting its own program for the control of dangerous dogs; provided, however, that no such program shall be less stringent than this article, and no such program shall regulate such dogs in a manner that is specific as to breed. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision one of this section, this subdivision and section one hundred twenty-one of this article shall apply to all municipalities including cities of two million or more.

To send your POLITE, RESPECTFUL and PROFESSIONAL correspondence to Village Officials:

Village of Mamaroneck
123 Mamaroneck Ave.,
Mamaroneck, NY 10543
PH: (914) 777-7700

Mayor Norman Rosenblum

Louis Santoro

Toni Ryan

John Hoffstetter

Sid Albert

Belfast, N. Ireland, UK: Lennox killed by officials, but his legacy remains

We first reported on Lennox in late 2010, after he was seized from his home by authorities who said his appearance fit their idea of a “pit bull type” — a “type” of dog that is not legal in the U.K. Lennox had not actually done anything wrong; he was born looking “wrong.”

After two years of court battles, not even high-profile advocates and celebrities, tens of thousands of ordinary citizen supporters, and multiple sanctuary offers could save Lennox. Belfast refused to compromise. Lennox was killed yesterday by Belfast authorities simply for the crime of looking like a “pit bull.”

Lennox is not the only dog to be put down simply for being the wrong shape. We’ve shared with you many other individual dogs who have had the misfortune to be born with the wrong appearance in the wrong place. Breed discriminatory laws are everywhere, from cities in the U.S., to provinces like Ontario, to entire countries like the U.K. But although Lennox’s circumstances are not unique, he and his family had a large outpouring of public support that was quite unusual.

Lennox has become a symbol for many people of the injustice that is BSL. We also know that many people first heard about BSL because of Lennox.

We are hopeful that Lennox’s plight and the injustice to his human family, the Barnes family, leaves in his followers a legacy of awareness about BSL and a long-burning passion to stop BSL across the globe.

Our sympathies today are with the Barnes family and the many other families around the world who have lost friends, companions, and family dogs for no other reason than that their dog was born with the wrong physical appearance.

Breed discriminatory laws are in effect in many places. Innocent people and voiceless animals are suffering. If you haven’t already, please join us as we continue our efforts to stop BSL.

We appreciate these wise words from Animal Farm Foundation: “Every day there is a need — and an opportunity — to ‘Save Lennox.'”

More thoughtful commentary from KC Dog Blog: http://btoellner.typepad.com/kcdogblog/2012/07/lennox-the-dog-is-dead-and-the-power-of-channeled-passion.html

Fitzgerald, GA: Citizens petition against recently passed BSL

Support the efforts of these residents to oppose Fitzgerald’s discriminatory ordinance by writing to city officials and respectfully encouraging them to repeal the “pit bull” ordinance. If you are a resident of Fitzgerald, you can also sign the petition: Walmart parking lot, Jan 28.

City Hall, 302 E Central Ave, Fitzgerald, GA 31750
Telephone: (229) 426-5060
Email addresses for city officials:
fitzcity@mchsi.com, fitzgeraldmayor@mediacombb.net, cityclerk@fitzgeraldga.org

Pit bull lovers sign petition

Posted: Jan 14, 2012 4:32 PM CST
By Gianna Caserta

FITZGERALD, GA – […] Now, pit bull owners are coming together to get signatures on a petition, calling it unfair to single out a certain breed. […]

The ordinance requires a pit bull be muzzled when they are on a leash and being walked.

All pit bulls must be registered and have liability insurance of up to $50,000. […]

The law also requires that the dog must be kept in a pen, at least 6 feet long by 6 feet wide and 6 feet tall, with a secured roof and floor. […]

The group will be back at the Walmart parking lot on January 28th to try to get more signatures. […]

Full article retrieved 1/16/12 from http://www.walb.com/story/16521718/pit-bull-lovers-sign-petition

Denver, CO residents: Online petition and opportunity to get involved

The below is submitted from Team Pit-A-Full, which continues to battle Denver’s breed ban. They are seeking signatures from Denver residents who oppose the ban:

DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO LIVES IN DENVER OR NEIGHBORING DENVER METRO CITIES? Please share, cross post, like, etc. (Yes, you out-of-towners and your signatures are important… but not to the city of Denver. We need their “constituents” (aka the people who can re-elect or not re-elect city officials) to come forward and be heard.)

Visit the petition for more info: http://www.change.org/petitions/occupit-denver-the-city-of-denver-reexamine-the-validity-of-the-current-ban-on-pit-bulls

Savannah, GA: Resident’s petition advocates BSL

A Savannah, GA, resident has turned in 1,000 signatures in support of new vicious-dog ordinances that would include breed-specific legislation. Nothing official has been proposed at this time, but council is considering the resident’s request. The council will act after hearing the city manager’s recommendation.

Locals and residents of Savannah: please contact city council and attend the next council meeting to express your opposition to a breed-specific ordinance.

Next council meeting:Aug. 11 at 2:00 PM in Council Chambers, 2nd Floor, City Hall, 2 East Bay Street, Savannah, GA.
If you wish to appear before Council, write to: City Manager, City of Savannah, PO Box 1027, Savannah, GA 31402
To petition council, contact: Clerk of Council, 1st Floor, City Hall, (912) 651-6441, clerkofcouncil@savannahga.gov

“Talk Back Savannah”—online form for residents to provide feedback to the city: http://www.savannahga.gov/cityweb/talkbacksav.nsf/talkbacksav?openform

City Manager’s Office, (912) 651-6415

Contact info for city council
Mayor Otis Johnson, Ph.D, otis_johnson@savannahga.gov
Edna B. Jackson, EdnaJackson3@comcast.net
Jeff Felser, jfelser@sabrelink.com
Van R. Johnson, II, aldermanjohnson1@aol.com
Mary Osborne, alderwoman.osborne@gmail.com
Larry Stuber, larrystuber@bellsouth.net
Mary Ellen Sprague, memesprague@juno.com
Clifton Jones, Jr., cliftonjjr@aol.com
Tony Thomas, aldermanthomas@aol.com

Email block for cut and paste
otis_johnson@savannahga.gov; EdnaJackson3@comcast.net; jfelser@sabrelink.com; aldermanjohnson1@aol.com; alderwoman.osborne@gmail.com; larrystuber@bellsouth.net; memesprague@juno.com; cliftonjjr@aol.com; aldermanthomas@aol.com

Savannah City Hall explores violent dog petition and ordinance

Posted: Jul 28, 2011 2:54 PM PDT
By Don Logana

SAVANNAH, GA (WTOC) – […] The woman, Cheryl Labon, ran into city manager Rochelle Small-Toney in the lobby of city hall last week and hand delivered a petition with a thousand signatures supporting a tougher ordinance. One of the requests is for all dogs in certain downtown areas be muzzled. Another issue is for certain breeds to be registered with neighborhoods.[…]

Mayor Otis Johnson says city council will wait for a recommendation from the city manager and then they will discuss the possible ordinance as a council. […]

Full article retrieved 7/29/11 from http://www.wtoc.com/story/15169432/savannah-city-hall-examining-pit-bull-petition-and-possible-ordinance

All alerts for Savannah, GA: http://stopbsl.com/?s=savannah

Savannah, GA: Citizens call for BSL, gather petition signatures

Update 7/22/11: The group claims to have collected 1,000 signatures in support of BSL. The petition will be presented to city council today.

Residents in and around Savannah, please attend upcoming city council meetings to help guide city council response away from breed-specific laws and toward effective breed-neutral options.

Town hall meeting tonight, July 13, 7 PM at Savannah Civic Center.
City Council meeting July 14 and July 28, 2 PM in Council Chambers, City Hall, Second Floor.

Contact info for city council
Mayor Otis Johnson, Ph.D, otis_johnson@savannahga.gov
Edna B. Jackson, EdnaJackson3@comcast.net
Jeff Felser, jfelser@sabrelink.com
Van R. Johnson, II, aldermanjohnson1@aol.com
Mary Osborne, alderwoman.osborne@gmail.com
Larry Stuber, larrystuber@bellsouth.net
Mary Ellen Sprague, memesprague@juno.com
Clifton Jones, Jr., cliftonjjr@aol.com
Tony Thomas, aldermanthomas@aol.com

Email block for cut and paste
otis_johnson@savannahga.gov; EdnaJackson3@comcast.net; jfelser@sabrelink.com; aldermanjohnson1@aol.com; alderwoman.osborne@gmail.com; larrystuber@bellsouth.net; memesprague@juno.com; cliftonjjr@aol.com; aldermanthomas@aol.com

Savannah pit bull attacks spark response

Posted: July 13, 2011 – 12:24am
By Eric Curl and Jan Skutch

[…] Cheryl LaBon, founder and CEO of Women of Wisdom, said her group wants to gather 1,000 signatures by Friday on a “Justice for Javon Petition” to require pit bull owners to keep their dogs in 8-by-12 foot pens in yards in neighborhoods where children 15 and younger live.

Those petitions will be presented to Savannah officials on Monday, she said. City officials previously have said they are reviewing local dog ordinances.[…]

Full article retrieved 7/13/11 from http://savannahnow.com/news/2011-07-13/savannah-pit-bull-attacks-spark-response